DiscoverIsrael: State of a NationGIVE ME BACK MY SON | Hostage Father's Urgent Plea
GIVE ME BACK MY SON | Hostage Father's Urgent Plea

GIVE ME BACK MY SON | Hostage Father's Urgent Plea

Update: 2024-05-29


This episode of State of a Nation features an interview with Professor Jonathan Dekkelchen, whose son Sagi was taken hostage during the October 7th massacre in Kibbutz Neuraz. Dekkelchen recounts the events of that day, describing the brutal attack by Hamas terrorists and the subsequent looting by Gazan civilians. He highlights the failure of the Israeli army to respond in a timely manner, leaving the kibbutz residents to fend for themselves. Dekkelchen criticizes the Israeli government's strategy, arguing that military pressure alone will not secure the release of the hostages and may even lead to their deaths. He emphasizes the need for a negotiated solution, while also calling for international pressure on Hamas to release the hostages. Dekkelchen also discusses the importance of retaking the public square from pro-Hamas voices, urging listeners to speak out against the hostage crisis and advocate for the hostages' release.


The October 7th Massacre

This Chapter discusses the events of the October 7th massacre in Kibbutz Neuraz, where Hamas terrorists attacked the kibbutz and took hostages, including Professor Jonathan Dekkelchen's son, Sagi. The chapter details the brutal nature of the attack, the failure of the Israeli army to respond in a timely manner, and the subsequent looting by Gazan civilians. It also highlights the devastating impact of the massacre on the kibbutz community, including the loss of life and the destruction of property.

The Aftermath and Displacement

This Chapter focuses on the aftermath of the October 7th massacre and the displacement of the kibbutz residents. Dekkelchen describes the evacuation of the surviving community to Elat and their subsequent relocation to Carmel Gatt. He discusses the ongoing trauma and uncertainty faced by the residents, highlighting the sense of limbo and the challenges of rebuilding their lives. The chapter also explores the broader implications of the massacre for the kibbutz community and the future of the kibbutz itself.

The Fight for the Hostages

This Chapter delves into the ongoing fight for the release of the hostages. Dekkelchen outlines the actions that listeners can take to help in this fight, emphasizing the importance of pressuring elected leaders and retaking the public square from pro-Hamas voices. He also discusses the role of the United States in the hostage crisis, expressing his belief that the Biden administration is committed to bringing the hostages home but acknowledging the challenges of navigating international politics and the complexities of the situation.


October 7th Massacre

The October 7th Massacre refers to the attack by Hamas terrorists on Kibbutz Neuraz, a community in southern Israel, on October 7, 2023. The attack resulted in the deaths of 50 people, the abduction of 78 people, and the destruction of a significant portion of the kibbutz. The massacre is considered a major turning point in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Kibbutz Neuraz

Kibbutz Neuraz is a kibbutz located in southern Israel, near the border with the Gaza Strip. It was established in 1955 and has been a target of Hamas attacks for many years. The kibbutz was severely damaged during the October 7th massacre, with many residents killed or abducted. The community has been displaced and is currently seeking a new location to rebuild.


Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist political organization and militant group that controls the Gaza Strip. It is considered a terrorist organization by Israel, the United States, and many other countries. Hamas has been involved in numerous attacks against Israel, including rocket attacks, suicide bombings, and infiltrations. The organization's goals include the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state in its place.

Hostage Crisis

The hostage crisis refers to the abduction of over 100 people, including Israeli and foreign nationals, by Hamas during the October 7th massacre. The hostages are being held in the Gaza Strip, and their fate remains uncertain. The hostage crisis has become a major international issue, with governments and organizations around the world calling for their release.

Israeli Government

The Israeli government is the executive branch of the State of Israel. It is currently led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The government has been criticized for its handling of the October 7th massacre and the subsequent hostage crisis. Critics argue that the government has failed to prioritize the release of the hostages and has instead focused on military objectives.

Negotiated Solution

A negotiated solution refers to a peaceful resolution of the conflict between Israel and Hamas that involves dialogue and compromise. It is seen as a potential way to secure the release of the hostages and prevent further violence. However, the possibility of a negotiated solution is complicated by the deep mistrust between the two sides and the ideological differences that divide them.

International Pressure

International pressure refers to the efforts by governments and organizations around the world to influence the actions of Israel and Hamas. This pressure can take various forms, including diplomatic sanctions, economic boycotts, and public condemnation. The goal of international pressure is to promote a peaceful resolution of the conflict and protect the rights of civilians.

Public Square

The public square refers to the space where public discourse and debate take place. It encompasses various platforms, including social media, news outlets, and public gatherings. The public square is a crucial arena for shaping public opinion and influencing policy decisions. In the context of the hostage crisis, the public square has become a battleground for competing narratives and perspectives.


  • What happened during the October 7th massacre in Kibbutz Neuraz?

    On October 7th, 2023, Hamas terrorists attacked Kibbutz Neuraz, a community in southern Israel, near the Gaza border. They killed 50 people, abducted 78, and destroyed a significant portion of the kibbutz. The attack was brutal, with reports of beheadings, rape, and the burning of homes with people inside.

  • Why did the Israeli army fail to respond to the attack on Kibbutz Neuraz in a timely manner?

    Professor Dekkelchen believes the Israeli army was caught off guard by the attack, having underestimated Hamas's capabilities and intentions. He argues that the army was operating under a conception that Hamas was deterred and wouldn't launch a major attack. This conception was based on the belief that Hamas was primarily interested in governing Gaza and wouldn't risk jeopardizing its gains by attacking Israel.

  • What is Professor Dekkelchen's criticism of the Israeli government's strategy in the current conflict?

    Dekkelchen argues that the Israeli government's focus on military pressure alone is not effective in securing the release of the hostages and may even lead to their deaths. He believes that a negotiated solution is necessary, but that the government is prioritizing the destruction of Hamas over the lives of the hostages.

  • What actions can listeners take to help in the fight to bring the hostages home?

    Dekkelchen urges listeners to pressure their elected leaders, particularly in countries where hostages are being held, to advocate for their release. He also emphasizes the importance of retaking the public square from pro-Hamas voices, speaking out against the hostage crisis and advocating for the hostages' freedom.

  • What is Professor Dekkelchen's view on the role of the United States in the hostage crisis?

    Dekkelchen believes that the Biden administration is committed to bringing the hostages home and has been more receptive to the concerns of the hostage families than the Israeli government. However, he acknowledges that the United States has its own interests and priorities in the Middle East and that not everything the Israeli government wants will be achievable.

  • What is the future of Kibbutz Neuraz and the other communities along the Gaza border?

    Dekkelchen believes that many residents of the communities along the Gaza border are ambivalent about returning to their homes, due to the trauma of the massacre and the fear of future attacks. He suggests that the kibbutz community may seek a new location to rebuild, but that the process of healing and rebuilding will be long and difficult.

  • What is the significance of the hostage crisis in the context of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas?

    The hostage crisis has become a major international issue, highlighting the human cost of the conflict and the complexities of finding a peaceful resolution. It has also raised questions about the effectiveness of military solutions and the importance of diplomacy and international cooperation in addressing the conflict.

Show Notes

It’s been eight months since the October 7 Massacre, and still the residents of Kibbutz Nir Oz, a mile away from Gaza, have not had time to mourn. This tight-knit community was the hardest hit, with over a quarter of its people massacred or abducted on October 7.

Professor. Jonathan Dekel-Chen and his family were residents of Kibbutz Nir-Oz. He wasn’t at home that gruesome weekend. But his son Sagui Dekel-Chen, 35, a US-Israeli citizen, was taken hostage as he fought to hold back the terrorist invasion. Jonathan is fighting for his son’s freedom, and that of all remaining hostages. In this brutally frank and open conversation Jonathan doesn’t hold back, demanding of the Israeli government: BRING THEM HOME. While demanding world governments to pressure Hamas to LET THEM GO.

This conversation pulls no punches and takes a stark and uncomfortable look at where we stand today as a people. It is painful to listen to and contains graphic descriptions of the atrocities of October 7. But we can’t let the world forget what happened, and we can’t let it forget the hostages rotting in Hamas captivity. You should feel uncomfortable. Because none of us are free, until all of them are free.

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GIVE ME BACK MY SON | Hostage Father's Urgent Plea

GIVE ME BACK MY SON | Hostage Father's Urgent Plea

State of a Nation Podcast